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Addiction Alcoholism Rehab Ptsd Burning Newspaper

What to Expect

What to Expect

What Should I Expect?

Expect the highest level of quality care for substance addiction. We pride ourselves in caring for those we serve. Expect to learn, grow and break free from many of the things that have been holding you back. Expect to walk on a new level of freedom and feel a new sense of peace. Expect your life to change for the better. Expect to work hard, try new things and be open to change. Once you’re inside Throttle & Thrive, we will begin taking you on a journey of the mind, body and spirit.

So How Do You Get Inside?

Here’s a basic breakdown of our admissions process. First, make contact with us. Call us, text us, email us or fill out one of the forms on this website. We will speak with you and get to know you a bit to ensure we are the right facility for your needs. If we aren’t a good fit, we will recommend you to another facility that is better equipped to serve you.

Next, we have to discuss payment. If you have medical insurance, it’s likely that your policy covers some or all of the costs. If you prefer to pay cash, we accept cash clients. If you do not have medical coverage or are unable to cover the costs, we will look into options to help you. We do our best to help everyone but we are not always able to meet everyone’s needs. Thank you for understanding.

Then we discuss the start date. Our facility is licensed for six (6) beds meaning we can have a maximum of six (6) men receiving treatment at one time. If we are at capacity, we will surely set you up with one another facility that we trust. If we have available space, we will prepare the room for you immediately. We will coordinate intake at your convenience.

Addiction Alcoholism Rehab Ptsd Soldier

What is the intake?

Intake is the process of entering the facility for residential, inpatient care. Intake starts with some paperwork and a conversation. Yes, it also involves a search of your person and whatever you’ve brought with you. We do this for your safety and the safety of the other men in treatment. We don’t allow you to bring any weapons or substances into treatment. We will provide you with much more information and all the specifics before you make the decision to go through the intake.

After that, we will show you to your room, and introduce you to the other men in treatment and the staff. We will give you a tour of the facility. If you’re hungry, we will feed you. Your medical care will also start right away. You’ll be evaluated by our medical staff and we will begin administering the care they prescribe. One of the most common things we do is monitor your vital signs such as your blood pressure. Your safety and comfort are the top priorities.

Most men spend 3 to 12 days in detox, depending on the severity of their condition and medical needs. During detox, you will likely spend a lot of time sleeping. Detox focuses on breaking the physical addiction and chemical dependencies. Once detox is complete, you’ll join the other men in the daily activities.

Who is Eligible?

Adult men. Specifically, First Responders and Veterans. First responders includes all of law enforcement, dispatchers, firefighters, paramedics, EMT’s, SWAT, National Guard and Coast Guard.

Throttle & Thrive is designed for adult men with substance abuse issues. Unfortunately, we do not offer adolescent services or services for women. We hope to one day open a women’s facility.

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Addiction Alcoholism Rehab Ptsd Onions


Insurances Accepted

What Insurances Are Accepted?

We accept most insurance plans. Give us a call to discuss your specific insurance plan and coverage.

You can also verify your insurance by filling out the information above.

If we are out of network with your insurance, we will still take you in as client. Even though we may be out of network, we still accept the insurance plans. Please call us to discuss the specifics.



Throttle & Thrive is an in-network provider through the Community Care Network for TriWest

The Holman Group

We are proudly in-network with The Holman Group

Workers’ Compensation

Throttle & Thrive is proud to now accept Workers’ Compensation.
Please call Shavonne at 805-701-1309 or email her at to start the process.
Work Comp

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